
Stealth Cam

Stealth Cam Digital Night Vision Monocular

  • Sale
  • Regular price $146.23

Stealth Cam continues to push the limits of performance in the optic category with the XNVM Digital Night Vision Monocular. To reach the increased viewing distance, along with improved image quality, Stealth Cam gave the XNVM a 9X digital zoom with a variety of adjustable frame ratings as well as incorporated their advanced Low light CMOS Sensor. The Digital Night Vision Monocular has a 7 degree field of view and a 1.5 inch High Resolution TFT display providing an ample amount of viewing area.
  • Connect via Bluetooth 5.0
  • Check how much feed is remain through American Hunter App
  • Ultrasonic Technology
  • Measure Distance range: 2 meters
  • Measurement Resolution: 1mm
  • Same housing with Feeder Meter 
  • For Metal Hoppers